Monday, July 11, 2011

One of my fav's . . .

Parliament Buildings
Belleville Street, Victoria, BC
One of my favourite public buildings is the British Columbia Legislature. 

Known officially as BC’s “Parliament Buildings”, they were designed in 1892 by a 25-year-old English architect, Francis Mawson RATTENBURY.  Construction began in 1893 and every effort was made to use local materials and resources. The granite foundations were quarried on Nelson Island; site facades from Haddington Island stone; and local brick, lime and Douglas fir for the construction work.  The total cost was not to exceed $600,000 however, when the building was completed four years later the total cost came to $923,882.30.  

The building was formally opened by Lieutenant Governor T.R. McINNES on February 10, 1898. Between 1911 and 1915 RATTENBURY designed additions to the structure, including the magnificent library with its elegant marble-panelled rotunda.

One of a series of historial "mileposts" erected by the Province. 
This one details the history of the Parliament Buildings in Victoria.

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